Send Out Positivity & Your Life Will Improve!
Posted on 23. May, 2013 by Meg in Blog
We are moving into a new energy of harmonic convergence. We have been clearing away the energies that have blocked us from knowledge and connection to our true Divine Inner Being. Do not be afraid to let go of anything that is blocking you from operating from your highest self. The time has come to discern how you can use your gifts to help others and yourself. The world is waiting for you in all your glory.
Rebirth is here. Follow your passion by improving your life and the life of others. You can make a difference with a smile, sending love to others, praying for others and being positive. Your energy definitely affects not just the people around you but the whole world. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and having fun too? Be the positive light in the lives of others and benefits will return to you tenfold.