Meg is a Reiki Master Teacher. Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. It promotes balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, bringing harmony to all areas of our lives.
Reiki uses ancient healing energy techniques to help build more personal energy, more vitality, more resilience, and better health. It’s most profound effect is an almost immediate feeling of deep relaxation, resulting in a reduction in stress. Reiki can help you change your mind and body for the better, learning more of your inner self and giving more to yourself.
Reiki is being used more and more as an adjunct to help with traditional medical practices. They are currently using Reiki at Sloan Kettering, George Washington University Hospital, National Institute for Health, and other hospitals for helping with pre-surgery stress, in the operating rooms during heart surgeries, and aiding in the effects of chemotherapy. These are just a few of the areas Reiki is being used in hospitals today.
Reiki accelerates recovery from surgery, improves mental attitude and reduces the negative effects of medication and other medical procedures. Healing energy exists in the body but is depleted when a person is sick. Reiki helps to increase the patient’s healing energy supply.
In hospitals, patients enjoy the sessions and request more after their first experience. Some have reported spiritual experiences. Nurses also report that Reiki has positive effects on their patients that include reduced pain, increased relaxation, better sleep, better patient cooperation and increased appetite. Using Reiki has been well received by other members of the hospital’s staff, who sense the value of Reiki and accept that it is filling an important aspect of hospital care.
Reiki is spiritual in nature, in that love and compassion are an important part of its practice, but it is not a religion and members of many religious groups including many Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews use Reiki and find it compatible with their religious beliefs.